UTC Time Conversion

The updated page times are listed in both Arizona time, which is the local time for me, and also as Universal Time (UTC). (UTC is also known as GMT, or Greenwich Mean Time.) The following conversion table can be used to convert UTC time to your own local time zone.

Local Time Zone Conversion from UTC Time at 12:00 UTC
ADT - Atlantic Daylight -3 hours 9 am
AST - Atlantic Standard
EDT - Eastern Daylight
-4 hours 8 am
EST - Eastern Standard
CDT - Central Daylight
-5 hours 7 am
CST - Central Standard
MDT - Mountain Daylight
-6 hours 6 am
MST - Mountain Standard
PDT - Pacific Daylight
-7 hours 5 am
PST - Pacific Standard
ADT - Alaskan Daylight
-8 hours 4 am
ALA - Alaskan Standard -9 hours 3 am
HAW - Hawaiian Standard -10 hours 2 am
Nome, Alaska -11 hours 1 am